WWCV Logo Wiltshire Wildlife Conservation Volunteers

Selecting a Task

There are two ways you can select a task.

You can find a site of interest by looking at the map on the Sites page. If you click on the site name you will be taken to the site's entry on the Sites page. If the site interests you click on the Task Details button to find out about the tasks at that site. This will take you the Task Details entry for the site on the Programme page.

Alternatively you can find a date in the calendars you are interested in on the Programme page. If you click on the site name for the date you will be taken to the entry for the site on the Task Details page.

The Task Details entry for a site will show you the tasks to be carried out, if known, where to meet, who is leading the task and their phone number and the dates of the tasks. If you click on the site name in the Task Details it will take you to the site's entry on the Sites page.

Having decided on a task email us at info@wwcv.co.uk with your name and contact number and the task you wish to attend. This will be passed to the Task Leader so they can contact you if there any late change to the details or the task has had to be cancelled.

The next step is to come to the task!

Important Safety Related Information

Test and Trace Requirements

On Wiltshire Wildlife Trust sites, you must be registered with them as a volunteer to be allowed to work on their sites. If you registered before 1st April 2020 then you must re-register to meet their insurer’s requirements. To do this Go to this link:


and click on the “Try Volunteering Register now” green button on the picture.

For any other sites the WWCV must have your contact details. In both cases the contact details will be supplied to the Test and Trace system if requested. If you come to a task your consent to this will be assumed.

Booking a place

Where possible we would ask you to ‘book a place’ on a task, that is confirm with the task leader that you intend to come. This will help the task leader to plan out how the task will be run to maintain your safety and also inform you of any last-minute changes.

Insurance Requirements

The insurance company requires that each volunteer confirms that they have received a safety briefing and informed the task leader of any relevant medical conditions. This confirmation needs to be in the form of a signature so if you do not wish to share a pen please bring your own.


We will provide you with a pair of gloves for a task. If you prefer to supply your own gloves please do so but they should be heavy duty ones.

Information about tasks


Most tasks start at 10.30 a.m. and run till around 3.30 p.m. depending on weather and progress with a break for lunch. You don't have to come for the full time, that is entirely up to you but please let the task leader know so they can make any necessary arrangements.


We strongly recommend that you have up to date tetanus cover. If you have an ongoing health condition or require special medication please make this known to the task leader at the start of the task.

What to bring

We provide safety kit, tools, strong gloves and training. All you need to bring is a packed lunch, plenty to drink (tasks last all day) and plenty of enthusiasm!


We recommend Wellington boots or safety boots (ideally with steel toe caps) for most tasks, and walking boots or safety boots for working on steep downland sites.

Age range

WWCV tasks are open to all, but those under 18 MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult.


 We can help with your transport costs, but you need to claim for this.


Volunteers are covered by insurance.