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Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
A quick explanation of some commonly used terms and abbreviations.
SSSI - Site of Special Scientific Interest.
ASNW - Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland.
Coppicing - The cutting back of underwood on a regular cycle.
Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) - Coppice cut back on a rotation of less than an arbitrary 10 years.
Understory, Underwood - The growth of small trees and shrubs beneath the large trees in a wood.
Dead-hedge - Sometimes called a windrow, this is a line of cut material used to form a windbreak or a division.
Scrub - The unwanted growth of small trees and shrubs on downland, meadows and other areas.
Arisings - The cut material when clearing scrub or coppicing.
Coupe - An area of trees felled in a forestry harvesting operation such as coppicing.
Coppice Stool - The stump remaining after a tree has been coppiced.
Ride - A lane cut through a woodland for access and which demarcates compartments.
Compartment - An area making up a management unit, often made up of coupes.
About Us
Our objectives are "The conservation and protection of the natural environment, to ensure the survival of rare and endangered species, both plants and animals, in the county of Wiltshire".
Contact Us
If you want further information or wish to attend any of the tasks just email us at
Our Officers
Chairman | Secretary | Treasurer |
Richard Aisbitt | Tony Luscombe | Rod Poynting |
Our Privacy Policy
You can read our privacy policy by clicking on this link.Our Supporters
We are supported by the following organisations:
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust | National Trust |
WWCV had funding from the National Lottery in 2014
With grateful thanks to all these organisations.
Useful Links
Who we work for:
WWT - Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
Woodland Trust
National Trust
Natural England
Other conservation organisations
The Wildlife Trusts
TCV - The Conservation Volunteers
RSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Wiltshire Ornithological Society
Wiltshire Butterfly Conservation
Butterfly Conservation
Wiltshire Botanical Society
Plantlife International
Additional information
Conservation in the United Kingdom an overview of the complex structure of environmental conservation in the UK.
Tree Terms a comprehensive set of definitions.
Met Office check the weather for a task.
BBC Weather check the weather for a task.
Multimap see how to get to a task.
Google Maps see how to get to a task.
The current WWCV Programme (PDF)
WWCV History (PDF)
WWCV Forms
WWCV Data Protection Policy (PDF)
WWCV Expenses Claim Form (PDF)
WWCV First Aid Box Check List (PDF)
WWCV Near Miss Report Form (PDF)
WWCV Task Report Form (PDF)
WWT Forms
WWT Accident Report Form (PDF)
WWT Common Hazards (PDF)
WWT Confirmation Slips (PDF)
WWT Parental Consent Form (PDF)
WWT Task Report Form (PDF)